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What does the word Medium mean?

The word medium designates:  middle and intermediate.

The medium, name given to a being who has extra-sensory abilities, is so named because it communicates with the dead or more precisely “spirits” and » invisible entities”.

The medium is sensitive to sound, smell and phenomena not perceptible by the five senses. He receives and perceives spontaneously and naturally through spirits: he is a messenger. The medium is responsible for transmitting to men. Its mission is spiritual, it aims to open the horizons of eternal life.

What does it mean to be a medium?

The mediumistic faculty is granted without distinction of a moral nature, so that the Spirits can carry the light to all ranks, in all classes of society, to the poor as well as to the rich, to the wise to strengthen them in goodness.

How do you become a medium?

Those who want to grow and develop in mediumship must themselves grow morally and spiritually.

We recognize thatmediumship is an innate faculty. Among all the great mediums, we have found that it is hereditary, sometimes this heredity is direct, sometimes it comes from ancestors or collaterals. It tends to manifest itself early and spontaneously, such as an artistic gift. All the great mediums have been mediums from a young age and have remained so throughout their lives.

What are the signs of a gift of mediumship?

The most striking symptom is hypersensitivity, touch (feeling energies through touch), smell, clairvoyance, clair-audience, empathy where the person feels the emotion of others, their pain and their suffering. Other manifestations would be: the signs of seeing in flash a scene, a place, of hearing words, also having premonitions in dreams and seeing their realizations. Also, seeing spirits manifesting.

Becoming a medium following a shock

Each case is particular, each journey is different. Mediumship can also appear after a sudden and painful event (death of a loved one), following a car accident or a significant health problem.

The stories of mediums who have seen their mediumship revealed following an accident in life are numerous and always very astonishing. Often, in these cases, it would seem that mediumship was already present latently in these people, and that this strong and brutal event awakened their faculties. As if we shook them hard enough to put them on the true path of life...

How does a medium work?

The medium is sensitive. He feels the slightest moral impressions with excessive intensity. The ability to communicate depends on the degree of affinity that exists between the energies of the medium and the spirit. Each medium is thus more or less capable of receiving the impulse of thought from this or that spirit.

How to develop the gift of mediumship?

We can develop our mediumistic gift through energies, through exercises to guess either a color, a card, a number or even an object. Long-term training so that your mind opens a space-time corridor. We can also accentuate the gift by meditating through the arts, music oryoga. To acquire the degrees of evolution, you must accept your gift without fear in order to progress. Without forgetting protection, so as not to disperse and expose yourself to risks with places, poorly attentive entities...

How does a medium transmit his knowledge to a consultant?

The Medium is about giving yourself to others, listening to them, giving them love and light.

It is to transmit to him themessages from his guides, helps him to formulate his feelings for advice by giving him his free will.

Try to be as honest with yourself as possible in order to be honest with others, knowing how to tell a consultant “I don’t see” when this happens.

The great mediums of our history...





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