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The mirror hours...

The famous mirror hours! These are series of the same digit, or of two digits which repeat as11:11 a.m.; 3:33; 7:19 p.m. etc.

It is common to hear  people say » Wow! I have mirror hours” or “for several days, I have had 10:22 p.m.” but without understanding, or searching, that there is a message  behind. I have argued with people several times, even getting kicked out of a Facebook group after only explaining that seeing mirror hours was of no use if we didn't take into account the message they were giving. delivered. To me it's like being given a car and leaving it in the garage just looking at it not knowing that you can drive it. You can say you have a nice car but if it just sits there looking pretty, it won't be of any use to you. And any motorist will urge you to  to drive it and get your license to really enjoy it. And this is where I end my analogy….to understand numbers, you need to know what their energy represents.

It is important to understand that numbers are a language of the Universe that he uses every day in his creations. This is how we find the golden ratio φ everywhere in plants, faces, the human body….  It is your soul which connects directly to the universe and which, by law of attraction, shows you the numbers (messages) that you need at the moment M to inform you and tell you where you should be; confirm to you if you are doing well, or that you are on the right path but also if you are vibrating badly, or that you have not listened to the advice.

Mirror hours are for “beginners” in the sense that it is the easiest to spot for the untrained human eye! Once we understand this, we are more attentive to the numbers that are found absolutely everywhere around us, such as on number plates, advertisements, receipts, etc. AND so many other things. Once you are around the mirror hours, you will notice the repetition of 3-digit numbers which are also messages from the universe. 

The only caveat is ego! And yes, our dear ego, which tells us every time that it’s nonsense, that it’s our mind playing tricks on us or that it’s just chance! If you see a number repeatedly, it's a message from the universe. It's up to you to read this message, to understand it (because some make us question ourselves (work on our ego)), and to manifest it!

On the other hand, when some of you see  different mirror hours in the same day (like 11:11; 1:13:13; 8:20 p.m.….) and every time you look at the time you fall  over a double hour and for several weeks or even months, it is then an expansion of consciousness. Your higher consciousness tells you, through the numbers in the matrix, that everything is just theater here on earth, and invites you to continue to “break down the walls.” or “lift the veil” of the matrix. On the other hand, it also tells you thatyou increase your vibration rate.

** Remember that this differs from everyone depending on the trip currently undertaken:


Twin Flames vs. Spiritual Awakening


The Number 1: 

On a spiritual level, 1 symbolizes a pillar of light; it is the “inner self” with divine characteristics. It allows you to discover the fundamental truth of the Spirit, often buried deep within yourself, when the physical aspect takes over, because of your lifestyle. This pillar of light is akin to a diamond light, an ascending crystal column that some mystics feel when their 12 chakras are aligned and form a sort of column of light.

However, every individual, having accessed this pillar of light, knows that they have an infinite source of knowledge, wisdom, compassion, peace and Truth. This pillar of light not only brings incredible blessing, but promotes accession to a higher level of wisdom and truth.


The 11 is a leader, a personality that cannot be forgotten. It marks our life to profound degrees, in areas that are specific to it. This number denotes a certain tendency towards domination, but a brilliant destiny is reserved for it.

11 is the ultimate representation of strength, mastery and courage. He is endowed with very strong inspiration and powerful intuition. This strong number must follow its path, and it is not uncommon for this to take it very far. He is also endowed with a powerful force of action and destruction. He has great spiritual mastery, and he will have an important social role to play in society and on other higher planes.

The 11 is directly linked to the spiritual world, poetic impulses, gifts of clairvoyance, mediumship, premonitory or prophetic visions. He can provide help and some guidance to others.

Through the number 11, your guardian angels reassure you by telling you that you will be able to accomplish beautiful things for yourself, for your loved ones and for all your peers, because you are a being of light. Have faith, and everything will fall into place easily so that you arrive at your real inspirations.


Thus, the number 111 is a spiritual awakening within your reach likely to allow you to approach life with greater serenity. You must listen to your heart and welcome positive thoughts while chasing away negative energies which could ultimately make you doubt and generate confusion or fear.

By filling your mind with positive thoughts, you will allow the seeds of change to germinate within you, keeping you away from the influence of negative energies.



This connection can result, in fact, in synchronization with the astral universe and divine wills. This is how we attract blessings to ourselves, in consistency and in phase with our destiny. This is why introspection, consisting of listening to one's conscience, leads to spiritual awakening and allows us to remember who we really are: a divine being incarnated on Earth.


The number 2 represents duality, exchange and confrontation. You therefore undoubtedly have very good abilities to unite, reconcile and understand others. Your sensitivity and patience make you a very good confidant and an effective mediator.


Angel number 22 means that your desires and goals are coming to fruition. The angel's message is that you are on the right path to success and that your efforts will soon be rewarded. This number also encourages you to have faith in yourself and to trust the process of life.


In esotericism, the number 222 is linked to the Sun and the Moon. You must accept the dark and light sides of life. It should be noted, however, that if the Sun is the giver of light par excellence, the Moon illuminates the darkness of the night with its dark light.

You will therefore never be completely in the dark and will be able to find your way in any case.

So, if your daily life is dark, you will succeed in finding your way towards the light and thus get out of your problems.


THE NUMBER 2222: Symbolizes positive transformation

If each mirror hour has something good to send you, for 10:22 p.m., it’s tenfold! This double hour is nothing but happiness. It symbolizes intuitiveness, creativity, positivity and best of all: transforming all of this into productivity. Because 2+2 = 4, and the number 4 is linked to the energy of the Earth. For what ? Take the Earth signs in astrology, Taurus, Virgo or Capricorn. They are associated with the reliability and solidity of the square, which has four corners. Yes, sometimes esotericism is also geometry! But 4 + 4 = 8, the number of spirituality and intuitiveness which sticks, for example, to the eighth sign of the zodiac: Scorpio. So the next time you see the time 10:22 p.m., trust yourself, your instincts and your hard work. It can never hurt.


In the esoteric universe, 3 is the manifestation of 1 through 2, that is to say the combination of the forces of these two numbers. The creation of 2 by 1 is similar to speech which creates a sound and a breath at the same time. The 1 and the 2 create the 3 by addition as speech (1) creates sound and breath (2).

THE NUMBER 3 also symbolizes the Holy Trinity:

  • the Father (the dark and incomprehensible god),

  • the Son (the masculine, the solar and the fire)

  • the Holy Spirit (the feminine, the lunar and the water).

In the esoteric interpretation, the 1, which is a whole, cannot be apprehended by man, in the same way as God who is everywhere at the same time. Thus, the unknowable 1 potentially contains within it the 2 and the 3. The 2 and the 3 are expressed by the 1, in other words come from the 1 and are of the same nature as it. 1 and 2 are therefore consubstantial.



The number 33 is a master number in numerology which serves as a guide and whose power is greater than the number 3. It symbolizes commitment to others and love of neighbor. Both Jesus and Krishna died at age 33 to save humanity.

If in your daily life, the numbers 33 and 333 appear regularly, it is because you are receiving a signal from your guardian angels who are trying to attract your attention in order to deliver you a message.



With the number 333, the power of 3 is multiplied. It is in a way the Trinity squared (three 3s) composed of the soul, the body and the spirit (the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit in the Catholic religion). This number embodies growth, profusion of energy, creativity and their concrete materializations. More prosaically, it is about abundance, prosperity and development. 

When we add up the numbers making up 333, we get 9. This reflects the fact that you have all the cards in hand and the skills necessary to achieve your objectives. You must have confidence in yourself and believe in your inner strength.


THE NUMBER 3333: Symbolizes a message of hope

The Number 3333 is a powerful message that the angels are sending you. It usually carries messages of unconditional love, gratitude and encouragement. When 3333 appears to you, it can mean that the universe is sending you a message of hope.


4 brings us to the foundation of Creation. It contains the four elements constituting the basis of the universe and which alchemists know well:

  • Fire;

  • The air;

  • The water;

  • Earth;

We will try to better understand the interactions between the four elements and have the keys to the alchemical understanding of the four.

Fire and Air are active energies resulting from radical heat and they are represented by a triangle with the point upwards (elevation). Air is a modified state of fire. A horizontal line crosses the triangle which represents air, fire is a “pure” triangle.

We represent the passive energies of Water and Earth by a triangle with the point downwards, symbolizing materiality. Water is considered a refined state of Earth, and to represent it, we use a 'pure' triangle without the horizontal bar that crosses the Earth triangle.

These four elements symbolize the creation of the world.

Even if the traditional order of elevation goes from the most material, represented by Earth, to the most spiritual, symbolized by Fire. However, it is possible to represent the four elements on a circle. This representation makes it possible to show the different refining states which loop on themselves.

This loop connects the four elements. Fire gives birth to Earth (the One gives birth to the Whole), Earth reveals Water which gives life, Water evaporates and gives birth to Air (consciousness) and Air nourishes Fire (the first principle).


The number 44 is often interpreted as the symbol of hard work. Through this double number, the angels evoke your determination and your deep conviction of success.

In numerology, seeing the mirror hour 00:44 then indicates the presence of an eternal positive energy which is always accessible. You can count on it to find the perseverance and determination necessary to achieve your goals.

This inner strength encourages you to focus on your ability to perform difficult actions. Thanks to hard work, you will indeed be able to achieve feats and easily obtain success in everything you do.



The angel number 444 also means that the guardian angels are guiding you to move in the right direction. This allows you to continue your current path or explore new opportunities.

So be attentive to the different signs that seem unusual to you since the angels use them to send you divine messages.

During difficult times, the angel number 444 appears as a sign of perseverance and determination. When faced with obstacles or challenges, your guardian angels and archangels then encourage you to continue.

Never give up, even if the situation seems insurmountable. Only hard work could lead you towards achieving your goals.


THE NUMBER 4444: Symbolizes encouragement:

Angel number 4444 shows that you are on the right path. It states that your efforts and hard work are leading you in the right direction. It encourages you to stay positive and trust your inner voice, even when faced with challenges.




The most important meaning of the number 5 is quintessence. In the Hermetic tradition, quintessence is an energy that leads you on the path to spiritual elevation.

In alchemy, to the four fundamental elements of Earth, Water, Air and Fire, Ether is added, a fifth element or “quintessence” which is at the heart of all things and which ensures the cohesion of the 'together.

On a spiritual level, the Ether is linked to the Philosopher's Stone which allows the sublimation and spiritual elevation of man and which gives access to eternal life through connection with the Holy Spirit or with the Tao which transcends matter .

From another point of view, the 5 could evoke immanence which induces the presence of energy in matter itself.


When you see this hourly synchronicity before your eyes, take action and turn your dreams into reality. Dare to take risks and stay open-minded to create new opportunities.

Through the mirror hour 00:55, your guides remind you of the importance of positivism and self-confidence. They tell you that you should always stay positive and trust your abilities and your intuition.


The number 555 reinforces the idea of change through the triple repetition of the number 5. The power of the number is increased tenfold. You can no longer fail your destiny and that is a good thing for your future. You must prepare yourself for the changes that will lead you to happiness and freedom. 

Your relationship with the world will be changed and your mind will open to prepare you to seize the opportunities that will present themselves to you.


THE NUMBER   5555: Symbolizes letting go

Leave the past behind you. 5 being a number associated with decision-making and life choices, the suite 555 appears before you when your guardian angel wants you to accept change in your life.


In esotericism, the number 6 evokes the meeting of two finite worlds thanks to a capital point of correspondence. This number signifies the union of the microcosm (man) and the macrocosm (the Whole, the universe).

Thus, man enters into harmony with the universe and integrates and merges with it. This aggregation is above all spiritual and reflects a deep awareness of our condition which leads to appeasement and then to wisdom.

There is a parallelism between the number 6 and the seal of Solomon which can be seen as the meeting of two triangles, the spiritual and the material. The triangle with the point down represents the Earth, the material, the triangle with the point up, the spiritual, elevation. The fusion of the two reflects the balance between these two worlds which become one.

Thus, the number 6 can symbolize, via the seal of Solomon, the alliance of man with God, the union of opposites, unity in duality (yin and yang), the meeting of Water and Fire in alchemy.


The appearance of this number is an important message, implying that you are ready for the next stage of your spiritual evolution.

Remember that the spiritual meaning of the number 66 is that of balance, harmony, love and spiritual growth. Embrace its energy, listen to its guidance, and let it guide your spiritual journey.



Even if it is difficult because the weight of culture sometimes weighs on objectivity, the number 666 does not necessarily have a negative connotation. Saint John in his Apocalypse ch.13 v.18 makes it the mark of the beast (devil), but however this number can simply reflect your state of mind. 

This number suggests that you use your sense of balance, especially when material desires are too strong, so as not to deviate from your usual lifestyle.

Thus, this triple number invites you to master your fears, including that of missing out, as well as your doubts, even your stress. If the triple number 666 appears regularly in your life, you should not add stress to stress because it does not have a negative meaning. 

This aims to make you face your responsibilities. It’s a sign that reminds you that your future depends above all on the decisions you make. You must carefully weigh the pros and cons in order to take a life direction that will benefit you in the long term.


THE NUMBER 6666: Symbolizes rebalancing

Angel number 6666 is a powerful sign from the spiritual world that helps you stay on the path of faith and trust. If you see this number in your life, it is time to refocus your energies on your spiritual journey and believe that good things are coming your way


 The number 7 represents the mastery of spirit over matter and of the spiritual over material. It influences reflection, analysis and inner life.


The number 77 is a symbol of awakening and deep spiritual development. It carries the energy of spiritual awareness and can indicate that you are on the right track in your spiritual journey.


In terms of spirituality, the number 777 embodies the evolution and development of inner wealth. It is time for you to channel your energy into doing what you really love, to express your know-how and to open up to the world of knowledge. It is an invitation to study and learn more about your chosen field in order to progress.

The number 777 is a remarkable number which symbolizes the domination of the spiritual world over the material world. It encourages reflection, facilitates introspection and the development of spirituality. 

This number is therefore linked to spiritual awakening, acceptance of oneself and the rest of the world and inner wealth.

THE NUMBER 7777 Symbolizes progression:

Numerology attributes to 7777 the status of a powerful symbol, vector of personal growth and spiritual progression. It is a positive indicator affirming that you are progressing on the path leading to your ultimate goals while revealing your innate potential.




In numerology, the number 8 is considered a symbol of power and leadership, as well as balance and justice. In this case, the angel number 888 is designated as the messenger


Angel number 88 reveals that you love more than you are loved.


The number 888 is above all the indicator sign of the completion of your spiritual learning. It announces that you have arrived at an important stage in your spiritual journey.

You have gained wisdom and understanding from your past experiences. Now is the time to reap the rewards of your efforts. It also means that you are ready to move forward towards new challenges and continue your spiritual growth.

The appearance of this angel number encourages you to take stock of your existence. She invites you to take a step back and take time to reflect on your life and your spiritual path.


THE NUMBER 8888: Symbolizes enrichment

The number 8888 has powerful symbolism, which varies depending on the context. Its unique composition of four identical numbers amplifies its energy and vibration.

In the field of numerology, eight is associated with abundance, prosperity and material success. Multiplied by four in the number 8888, this meaning takes on even more significance. It is a clear indicator that you are on a favorable trajectory to achieve your financial and material goals.

But this number goes beyond just material considerations: it also embodies a balance between the physical and spiritual spheres. It encourages us to seek harmony between our earthly needs and our spiritual aspirations to progress towards a fully satisfying life in all its aspects.

The energy of the number 8888 is therefore twofold: it promotes both material enrichment while inviting us to nourish our spiritual dimension for complete accomplishment in all facets of our existence.



Symbol of fertility, 9 gives life. It announces the end of a cycle and the beginning of a new one. The loop continues in the form of a spiral, reflecting a transposition onto a different plane. 9 muses, 9 attributes of divine power, the number 9 harmonizes energies.


99 is the second step towards the number 999. It embodies a new era by leading you towards a summit, an accomplishment. The number 99 is an angelic number which contains the 9 triply. In fact, it is composed of two 9s whose sum member to member is equal to 18. The sum of which itself gives 9 (9 + 9 = 18 and 1 + 8 = 9).


The number 999 is a message that asks you if you are ready to write a new chapter in your life. Your guardian angel will guide your first steps in this phase of transition towards a new future. The triple repetition of the number 9 is a concentrate of energy which will allow you to accomplish the important change to which your destiny calls you.

THE NUMBER 9999: Symbolizes the end of a cycle

The angel number 9999 is an indication of strong support in your spiritual journey. It also suggests that a phase must end, that transformation must be welcomed, and that divine intervention is near.

In short, the number 9999 carries a strong resonance in several mystical areas. Whether it's numerology, biblical interpretations, romantic feelings or even tarot and astrology; it generally inspires meaningful change and profound personal realization.

Frequently encountering this number in different forms should therefore be interpreted as a divine message inviting you to progress on your spiritual journey towards a more accomplished existence.



As the number 0 symbolizes the end and the beginning of a cycle


Its interpretation is simple: it evokes destiny, freedom, the unknown and the beginning


000 also alludes to new beginnings, rebirth and renewal. Its appearance tells you that it is time to direct your direction towards another horizon if the current situation no longer suits you.

She even invites you to step out of your comfort zone and face your fears. After that, she reassures you by announcing that your archangel will be by your side, whatever the outcome of the new cycle.



THE NUMBER 0000: Completion

With this twin hour, the guardian angels announce the completion of a process. It is therefore a sign of renewal or the start of a new cycle. In other words, the time has come for change and we must learn to forget the past and make things positive. 

With the double hour 00:00, the guardian angels also announce a period of spiritual awakening. In the days following its appearance, you may therefore have a more alert mind than usual.

In the event of inner conflicts or discomfort, you will need to carry out a meditation session to achieve relief. You will also just need to invoke your guardian angel to bring you inner peace.

That said, coming across this twin hour can also be a kind of warning. Guardian angels use it, for example, to announce suffering caused by the absence of a loved one or difficulty controlling a current situation. But you can ask for their help so that you can get through the difficult situation.

Le Nombre 1
Le nombre 2
Le Nombre 3
Le Nombre 4
Ancre 2
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