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   My life through him...  

From a young age, I realized that I was a special person. Someone we could call ''Special''. Sometimes I saw people who weren't actually there or simply felt presences without really knowing why. 

During my adolescence a lot of these acuities developed, I could communicate with people who were not there simply through candles, or sometimes with friends we played Ouija (which is strongly discouraged). And each time very intense things happened. 

The more the years passed, the more I closed in on myself, not understanding what was so different about me.. Was I broken? Was I crazy? Why can't I do like the others? Why do I feel the need to do everything differently? I asked myself many questions which went unanswered for a long time.

3 years ago, I had an indiscident who threw me to the other side. Without really knowing why, during a hike with friends, my heart stopped beating. The emergency services having tried to resuscitate me confirmed that they had failed. I was dead for 3 min 45 sec for no apparent medical reason. Subsequently, without warning, I woke up frightened and screaming at the top of my lungs.

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