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Cycles of incarnation and calculation of the life path...

Cycles of incarnation

There are 9 cycles of incarnation during which our soul evolves! Your soul is a “seed”; or “a part of light” of the 72 creative angels. You come from one and the same creative Angel that you can find according to your day of birth. You always incarnate at the same time, within a range of 4 days, which corresponds to your creative Angel.  To change the cycle our soul must have passed its tests and evolved. She can spend hundreds of lives in the same cycle (except cycle 1 where there is only one incarnation) as long as she has not transcended each ordeal according to the cycle. Each cycle has its specificity and makes us work on a specific theme. Below you will find the specificity of each cycle

Once cycle 9 is completed, our soul has reached angelic status. She can then decide to stay “up” and become a guide for other incarnated souls or to return, one last time, to incarnate on earth, to help other humans. She is incarnated as an earthly angel and no longer has a life path between 1 and 9. This is why certain people have Master Numbers 11, 22 or 33 as their life path (or even in very rare case 44 or 55). It is then said that these people are reincarnated in Master vibration. If by calculating your life path you land directly on 11,22, are master and therefore you cannot be either Walk'in or metanova.

Master 11 = angelic vibration = Guidance

Master 22 = archangelic vibration = Builder

Master 33 = Christic vibration = Teacher.


The Walk’ins and the Metanovas are also Master vibrations but hidden! When you calculate your life path you fall between 1 and 9 but you know deep down that you are different...



This is the first wave of Volunteers. This only concerns people born before the 1970s. These are people who have suffered a serious  trauma, great depression, illness, may be born prematurely, having had a NDE. ( near-death experience)…. and the part of their angel came to replace them by embodying their body and the soul returns. It is not a possession because it is not an external or different being, it is our angel from which our soul comes. Walk’ins can happen at any age. When the Walk'in manifests itself, it can be very difficult for the person concerned because they suddenly become a Master vibration and can take time to feel the impact and adapt to their new "high vibrations". On the other hand, the person who has undergone a walk’in can develop a “gift” such as clairvoyance, clairaudience, mediumship, etc.

In the film “Charlie’s Secret” you have a great example of Walk’in. Charlie has a near-death experience. Following this, he becomes clairaudient, clairvoyant and clairsentient.

The Metanovas or Volunteers:

Indigo soul, crystal, rainbow, diamond. These are new souls who incarnate with new bodies of light which allow them to have higher vibrations during incarnation. These “new souls” (new breed of human) appeared from the 1970s and are all missionary. They have great angelic protection. The “reset” during their reincarnation is not complete to be able to transmit information during their life and many remember their previous life until the age of 4 or 5 years old. Then they behave like everyone else for a long phase of their life, then  When they reach a certain maturity around 30 or 40 years old, they have a masterful awakening phase. These people are untouchable on the karmic and etheric levels. If they die before being able to carry out their mission, they are reincarnated immediately. Metanovas can only be born if at least one of the parents is born a master or walk'in. So to know if you are metanova your father or mother must have been born a master or have done a walk'in before your birth. Metanovas represent approximately 1% of the population!

Organic or robotoid Portals:

All these cycles and life path calculations are only valid for humans with a celestial soul. Consequently, these calculations cannot be applied to Oragnic Portals (OP) which represent approximately, more or less, 50% to 70% of the population depending on the country. There is no point in doing the calculations for loved ones, friends or acquaintances because they can be P.O.. P.O. are generally called narcissistic perverts by psychologists! Organic portals do not have exactly the same DNA as human souls (H.A.), they have more reptilian DNA. P.O. systematically form a relationship with an H.A. from what I have observed, on the other hand they are often friends with each other. Their incarnations occur through possession of a body which does not have a link with the Source. Filiation occurs in 99% of cases from father to son or from mother to daughter. It is also possible that a P.O. father is an H.A. son, or a P.O. mother is an H.A. daughter because the latter will have taken the genetics from the body of the H.A. parent. On the other hand, a P.O. son necessarily has a P.O. father. You can tell if someone is a P.O. via theirvibration rate very low.


Extra-terrestrial souls:

You also have extra-terrestrial souls who represent approximately 1% of the population for whom the life path is of no use either. They come to incarnate on earth for multiple reasons such as learning how to live on Earth, helping humanity by providing knowledge....

In the film Midnight Special, you have the example of an extraterrestrial soul incarnated on earth; as well as in the book “Inuaki, The Reptile in Me” by Hava Aryana. 

How to calculate your life path:

We add all the digits (not the numbers) of his date of birth. The sum of the digits gives a number to which we also add each digit so that the sum is a digit between 1 and 9.

08/21/2008 = 2+1+0+8+2+0+0+8 = 21 = 2+1 = 3


08/21/2008 = 2+1+0+8+2008 = 2019 (2+1+0+9) = 12 = 3


Examples :

Of master

If the sum of the addition of the numbers gives 11, 22, or 33 (see in very rare cases 44 or 55), you are born Master!

*06/19/1952 => 1+9+0+6+1+9+5+2 = 33 => He is a Master 33 with a Christ-like vibration, he is a person who was reincarnated to teach others! (if the person is “awake”)

*03/30/2003 => 3+0+0+3+2+0+0+3 = 11 => He is a Master 11 with an angelic vibration, he is a person who was reincarnated to guide others! (if the person is awake).

Other method:

*05/24/1982 => 2+4+5+1982 = 1993 (1+9+9+3) = 22 => He is a Master 22 with archangelic vibration, he is a person who was reincarnated to build, build


For metanovas and walk'ins, it is not necessarily indicated in the date of birth, it is really a personal feeling to know if you are metanova or walk'in.

By Metanova

03/12/1980 => 3+1+2+1+9+8+0 = 24 = 2+4 = 6 => 6 is also the reduction of 33 (3+3=6)  => this person who incarnated with a vibration 3

From Walk’in



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